Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends St Mary’s
The local offer will include information about health and social care services, education, leisure activities and support groups in the area for children and young people aged 0 – 25 with SEND and their families.
There will be information about:
The Department for Education’s draft SEN Code of Practice and regulations outlines the range of information to be included in the local offer.
Why is the local offer important?
The local offer will help parents, carers and young people to see clearly the range of services and support that are available in their local area and understand how to access them.
Key contacts:
SENDCO/INCO: Lisa King inco@stmarys.cambs.sch.uk
The team here at St Mary’s are well-equipped to help you find your way if you are concerned about your child’s learning, development or behaviour. Often the first step for families is recognising when something seems ‘different’ about their child or young person and knowing what to do next.
If you have noticed a difference in your child’s learning or behaviour, our Special Educational Needs (SEN) team are here for you and your family every step of the way. Sometimes there can be lots of jargon and complicated processes involved in helping children who may have additional needs. We will help you understand how best to support your child so that they can achieve their full potential.
Here are some questions asked by parents which explains more about what Special Educational Needs (SEN) is and how we can help you.
I have some worries or concerns about my child at home or at school, who should I talk to?
If you have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s learning, behaviour or wider development, the best place to start is to talk to their class teacher. We can then arrange an informal conversation with the school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Rebecca Smith to discuss any observations and agree an initial plan of action to support. You can contact your class teacher or the SENCO directly via Class Dojo, or through the school office.
If it’s agreed that my child needs Special Educational Needs support, what happens next?
The St Mary’s team are experiences in supporting a wide range of additional needs. ‘Support’ might be additional reassurance in lessons, small group or individual interventions or use of specialist equipment. If necessary, we will work with you to seek further specialist support from other professionals, such as health professionals, speech and language therapists or Educational Psychologists.
How can you support me as a parent/carer?
We can provide advice on strategies to try and home, signpost you to other services and work with you to refer for further support where needed. We are committed to supporting you and every stage of your child’s journey, recognising that you are your child’s first and most important teacher.
St Mary’s promises to you
Tel: 01480 398048
Email: office@stmarys.cambs.sch.uk
Primary Office Contact Person:
Mrs Jo Walker & Mrs Sarah Wren
School Address:
Wintringham Road
St Neots
PE19 1NX
DEMAT Office Address:
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