


At St. Mary's we have adopted the Teach Computing Curriculum as we think it is ambitious and will provide our learners the background, knowledge and skills needed to become creaters, logical thinkers, programmers and problem solvers.

This is divided into three key strands:

Computer Science

Understanding that a computer operates on algorithms, and learning how to write, adapt and debug code to instruct a computer to perform set tasks. To use sequence, repetition and selection in programmes.

Information Technology

Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. To create programs, systems and a range of content.

Digital Literacy

To understand how to use technology respectfully, responsibly and safely.

Understanding the benefits and risks of being online — how to remain safe, keep personal information secure and recognising when to seek help in difficult situations.

This scheme of work is carefully sequenced to allow for pupils to build upon their prior knowledge through revisiting of key concepts.

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