Values and Ethos

Values and Ethos

Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends St Mary's.

Our Core Values

‘Learning, Achieving, Growing in God’s Love’

Our school community is centred on the love of God, in His Son, Jesus Christ and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. We will be generous and visible people of Jesus Christ, reaching out in love to all, bringing hope, aspiration and life in all its fullness to our children.

We believe that education is focused on the development of the whole child. This involves their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as well as their academic and personal development and well-being.

We believe that every child is unique, made in the image of God and precious in his sight.

We aim to provide a high quality education through a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, within a loving Christian context.

Our Christian values underpin the vision statement and demonstrate how Christians live their lives in their knowledge of the life and teachings of Jesus and their wish and obligation to follow his example.

The Christian character of the school shapes the academic achievement and the personal development and well-being of pupils and is set out clearly in the agreed policies of the school, particularly around behaviour, disadvantaged pupils and our aspiration that every child deserves the very best educational opportunities that the school can offer.

We expect all adults within the school to model this vision and the underpinning values through their behaviour to all members of the school community.

We will work to ensure that parents are valued, encouraged and supported to be effective partners in their child’s education. That they are kept well-informed about their child’s learning progress and that the school takes effective steps to engage them fully in their child’s learning journey.

We believe in respect for the individual, for cultural and faith diversity which is a central strand of the school’s work and in equality of opportunity for all, to grow and flourish to be the very best they can be as future global citizens.

We value and wish to keep as active and vibrant as possible our links with St Mary’s Parish Church, St Neots and will welcome both clergy and other church members into our school to deepen and embed our Christian vision.

Our Vision

Our vision starts with emphasising the centrality of the Trinity in our work as a school community. Our aim is to build a vision founded on the infinite love of God and Jesus Christ, His Son, which can be revealed to the children through daily worship and bible stories and examples of lives based on the example of Christ's life and works. Over time the children will become familiar with the concept of the Holy Spirit, bringing strength and courage to Christian believers as life presents difficulties and challenges. 


Our vision for St. Mary's develops as it takes inspiration from Ely's Diocesan vision statement. We are proud to be part of our diocese and 'being generous and visible people of Jesus Christ' represents what we want to be within our local community. This is a place where Christian values and ethos drive our daily actions and shape us to live faith-based lives, reaching out in love to those around us of faith or none. 


It is essential that the children in our community understand there is always hope, despite setbacks and unfairness in life. Aspirations can be met and as a leaders and teachers, we will strive to encourage and support our children to strive to be the best that they can be.


The final phrase is taken from John 10 v10, and is from the Church of England's vision statement. It sets our aspirations for our children that growing up within a faith based environment, they will understand that Jesus' teachings show us the way to live, that that we know the right choices and decisions to make, based on his teachings. 

Our Aims

St. Mary’s School community is based on the values of a Christian family. We work hard to achieve a high quality of care through our Christian foundation, developing values, self-esteem and character to enable everyone to be happy and reach their full potential.


We aim:

  • For all our children to reach their full potential through access to an exciting and stimulating curriculum, developing the skills to become life-long learners, whilst meeting the full requirements of the National Curriculum.
  • For all our children to grow as thinking, confident, responsible and caring individuals with clear values rooted firmly in our Christian Foundation.
  • To provide equal opportunities for everyone in the school community to develop personally and professionally in a safe, secure and supportive environment.
  • To encourage children to feel part of the local and wider community and contribute to the life of it, including through our close links with St. Mary’s Church.
  • To maintain co-operative and supportive relationships within the school community of children, families, staff and governors.
  • To maintain a purposeful, attractive, safe and stimulating learning environment.

In line with the Trust Deed of the school and the Statement of Entitlement, the governing body monitor the quality of RE, worship and ensure that Christian character of the school is is upheld. Regular monitoring visits by the link governor along with a presentation to the governing body by the RE and Christian Distinctiveness lead, ensures that the vision and values of the school are at the forefront of our work to the benefit of the children.

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