

Year Three and Year Four

Welcome to our Monet Class page!


Our core text for English is The Odyssey and we will be exploring this text to enrich and support our writing. We will continue to look at expanded noun phrases and how complex sentences allow us to add detail and interest to our writing. We will be constructing character and setting descriptions as well as letter writing.


In maths we will continue to incorporate and build on our previous learning. We will be working on Multiplication and Division facts and exploring their relationship. We will also be looking at Area, length, perimeter and fractions.


In Science our focus will be on Ecology. We will be recapping what a habitat is and how they can be different. We will also be recognising that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. Throughout Science we will also be constructing and interpreting a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.


In Geography, we will be learning about Eastern Europe. We will explore the countries of Eastern Europe and key features such as rivers and climate. We will compare the UK with a chosen European country. We will study the recent conflict in Ukraine and explore the impact on the rest of Europe. Finally, we will locate Crimea on a map of Eastern Europe and discuss why its geography has led to many different conflicts over time.


In History we are learning about Ancient Rome. We were draw links to Geography and identify where the Roman empire was located on a map. We will explore how the political in Ancient Rome changed over time. Finally, we will investigate how archaeologists use artefacts to learn about the past. 


In this unit, we will be exploring design. We will draw on our previous skills to improve mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing and painting with a range of materials. We will also be examining great artists, architects and designers in history and use our knowledge to review and revisit our observations.


In RE children will be exploring the question can spirituality makes things better. Drawing on previous learning about different spiritual capacities, pupils will explore a specific case study that explores how a person's beliefs and values can shape their response to environmental issues and how this, in turn, can impact on their spiritual growth. 


This term’s PE is Gymnastics. 

Class Room Staff: Ms Brodie, Ms. Glen and Ms. Cosgrove

PE Day: Tuesday

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organisers

Conductors and insulators

The children have learnt about conductors and insulators. Conductors are materials that allow electricity to flow through and insulators are materials that do not allow electricity to pass through. 


Did you know that electricity can flow through a potato?!

Exploring Electricity

We started off by looking at the components we needed to build an electrical circuit. We found out that all the components need to be connected to allow the power from the battery to flow through the wires to the light bulb.


When we added a second light bulb, the bulbs were dimmer. The children worked in small groups to discuss why the bulbs were dimmer. Their theory was that the energy from the battery was being shared between the two bulbs, so they were each getting half; it is like sharing a pizza you get a smaller amount.

Science Investigation

Monet have been scientists. They have conducted an investigation into how plants take up water into their stems. They will record their findings and discuss what this means.

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