Computing and E-Safety



At St. Mary's we followed the Purple Mash scheme of work for Computing.

This is divided into five key areas:

Computer systems and networks 

Identifying hardware and using software, while exploring how computers communicate and connect to one another.


Understanding that a computer operates on algorithms, and learning how to write, adapt and

debug code to instruct a computer to perform set


Creating media

Learning how to use various devices — record,
capture and edit content such as videos, music, pictures and photographs.

Data handling

Ensuring that information is collected, recorded, stored, presented and analysed in a manner that is useful and can help to solve problems.

Online safety

Understanding the benefits and risks of being online — how to remain safe, keep personal information secure and recognising when to seek help in difficult situations.

Our scheme of work is carefully sequenced to allow for pupils to build upon their prior knowledge through revisiting of key concepts.

For parental information about Purple Mash, please follow this link:


In our ever-changing world it is highly important that we do our best to keep up to date with new initiatives and technologies. Technology can be fun and very helpful in all our lives and we must not forget the benefits that advances in technology can bring us.


However, there are occasions, especially for children, where technology could be deemed detrimental. It is with this in mind that we are pulling together a selection of resources and links so that you, as parents can become better informed about how to keep your children safe. Hopefully you will find these resources useful in helping you to raise your own awareness and the awareness of your children. Please bare in mind, that banning and blocking the use of technology or sites does not replace your parenting. Whilst you can't know everything, it is important to read and educate yourself and your child. 

This is a useful link to parenting advice from Vodafone on how you can keep your child safe with regards to online safety.

This is a useful video to watch in order to support adults around age appropriate content.

The NSPCC have some useful information too regarding staying safe online:

Think You Know:

Internet Matters:

Child Net:

Parent Info:

Net Aware:

Let's Talk About It:

Setting Parental Controls on Devices:

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